4 Ways in Improving Your Computer Forensics Training

Computer forensics is the field that you are taking now. When you are in this field, you would want to excel in your training and not waste all the money and effort that you put into this subject. Four ways of improving your trainings are: 

Be focused 

Be focused on what you are doing or studying. Focus in your training. You would not want to miss any steps or any important information during your coursework. This also includes the basic knowledge of computer hardware and software.

Constant revision 

There are a lot of new terms that you need to learn such as MFT, resident data, cloners, imaging and others which needed constant revision in order to remember what the terms mean. You will also need to understand the legacy systems in and be strong in I.T. field. In other word, you cannot slack-off and expect the knowledge flying into your brain as if you can perform telepathy with the book and the computer.

Hands on job 

A lot of new software will be learnt during the training and therefore it is best for you to learn and re-learn on the software function. Watched CSI before? Did you see how they zoom the pictures even when the pixels are not permissible; or how they create a face out of human bones like in Bones; or how they match the face in the AXIS database? Those are part of the software that you will need to know how to work at. Although in the movie there maybe some exaggerations on the capability and reliability of the software, but you get what I mean. Reading on how they are being operated will not help you to understand. As the phrase goes, seeing is believing. You have to learn by yourself to see how the process goes.

Find extra resources 

To learn more than the rest of your course mates, you will need to find extra resources, attend extra courses on other useful software, and find tutorials on the internet which is vast with information. Take that extra sleeping time off with learning new things that may help you increase your knowledge and your marketability. Computer forensics is not an easy subject but with mere determination and hard work, you can succeed in it.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Elissa_Ng