10 Must Do's For the First Week of Computer Forensics Training

Got enrolled into computer forensics training and have no idea of what to do? As a start, to be in this field, you should have five wives and one husband, in literal form. It means that you will need to ask the "Why, When, Who, Where, What" and "How" questions. There are 10 must-do's for the first week of training.

#1 Time management

Plan your time wisely! Once you have gotten your time table for classes, make a slot for information searching, practical training for yourself and another slot for revision. Also, give a slot for your own personal time.

#2 Befriend your library

Check the library for books that you may need. Check on your course outlines and you shall find that the books there are in abundance.

#3 Look for a mentor

Look for a mentor. During the orientation week is the best time for you to search for your mentor. You may search either your seniors or tutors.

#3 Get your notes

Get notes from your mentors. Seniors will have a lot of notes if not, books for your semester. This will make learning easier if you have already prepare for the classes beforehand.

#4 Revisions

Have you forgotten about the anatomy of human or rat? Do your revision if you have forgotten about the things studied before. Refreshing your memory on things learnt will help you understand more in the class.

#5 Know your lecturer

Know what are the lecturers' expectations and their standards in giving marks. Understand how they mark assignments as well if you think that is a good tip.

#6 Set goals

Do you want to be in the Dean's List or do you want to be an average Joe? If your goal is to get a Dean's List or even better, First Class Honors then you should start doing more revisions and preparations before classes and become familiarized with the software.

#7 Motivations

Make sure you have your own way on motivating yourself to study. Plan early how are you going to motivate yourself during the dull days.

#8 Study style

Understand your study style. Know your body limit on when you can work most effectively and on what condition you can perform your best.

#9 Eat healthily

During the first week, plan your food intake. If you are allowed to cook or you stay outside, buy one whole week of stocks so that you will not have to go out and buy again. Healthy eating will make you perform best. Think of what is best for your brain, not only your body.

#10 Consultation

If you are unclear about the course that you are taking, consult the career counselor in the school, college or university that you attend before it is too late for you to change your course.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Elissa_Ng